Ad Manager

ORE System will do the job for you

Expand your community through B2B Advertising

What will you get from ORE System's professional ad manager?

Targeted access to ORE System’s Bubble Social Networks allows you to target the people that are interested in your business. No fighting for space against everyone on the large social networks, but people that have the same interests and community.


Brand new and improved online statistics and PDF Reports

100% Responsive

All Ad templates are 100% flexible and perform natively on their target

20+ Ad Options

Ad Placements are provided in over 20 different page locations

25+ Ad Templates

Find the right feel for your target with different Ad Templates that fit your needs


AdBlock detection will help you protect all blocked ads and reduce wasted money


Image optimization, Ad Timing, and Google Fonts provide fast dynamic Ads

"Building communities is the key to success in the world. Without community support there is no business."
Lucas Hamrick - CEO ORE System

Learn from ORE's trusted clients and loyal partners

"providing end to end solutions for our vision to redefine how we deliver and experience healthcare and wellness in the metaverse and web3.0."
Stephen Tang, MDDAO
"I don't know what I did before starting work with ORE. They saved my business and gave me freedom from day-to-day sales assignments."
Barbara Foulks, STREAL
“Our life has become easier, and we couldn't be happier about switching to a professional ad provider. Thank you ORE.”
Clara Perez, BENTIC

We work with a group of amazing companies

Time to change your habits and build your business through community

Please fill in the details, and we will get back to you asap and start our journey together.